Beto O’Rourke Rally [VIDEO]

The Rice University Young Democrats hosted Rep. Beto O’Rourke on October 9, 2018. Close to 1000 students packed into the venue to hear his remarks. This was the largest political event at Rice in recent history.

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Rice Community Stands with DACA Recipients

Recently, an undergraduate student wrote an opinion piece in the Thresher complaining about the Rice Administration’s public support for its DACA students. In it, he claimed support for DACA on campus was mixed. In the Thresher’s following issue, four different letters to the editor were published; each blasting the initial opinion piece and dissecting the fallacies present.

The Rice Young Democrats penned one of these LTTE’s, which can be read here.

Gilbert Saldivar’s LTTE
Christen Sparago’s LTTE
Maurice Frediere’s LTTE (Former RYD President)
Student Association President’s Statement

Clearly, the Rice student body isn’t as divided on this issue in the slightest. We stand with Dreamers and categorically oppose legislation that would seek to deport hard-working, innovative students.

Surge in Democratic Primary Voters

Rice University observed a massive surge in student turnout to its Democratic primary this year. In 2014 (the last midterm primary), 8 students on campus voted. This year, 224 students voted. The RYD invested in a variety of GOTV efforts – including candidate forums, voter registration drives and transportation organization. Over 50 students were driven to the polls thanks to the RYD, Civic Duty Rice, and Todd Litton’s campaign for the 2nd Congressional District.

Check out our infographic posted to our Facebook page detailing our GOTV efforts.

This story was subsequently covered by Anna Ta of the Rice Thresher.